This can't possibly be my life.
Roughly 21 years ago, I was sitting in my living room with my little sister watching tv. I was flipping through channels when something caught my attention. It was this really cute group of boys singing and dancing on this show on Nickelodeon that I sometimes watched. I stopped flipping and became transfixed. This is what I saw...
I fell instantly in love with the adorable boy with the insanely blue eyes. There was just something about him that couldn't be denied.
I lost track of them for a little while, and then a few months later all of the sudden everyone was talking about this new group who were touring with Tiffany (I had just seen her a few months 1st concert). I knew right away that it was the same group and I was so excited to have the opportunity to get to hear them again!
That's how it all adventures as a Blockhead. I wish I could share my diary pages so that you could see just how crazy in love I was with those boys (ahem...that BOY), but I'm afraid that someone would use it as evidence to have me committed. I have the same stories as most of my fellow Blockheads...HOURS spent standing outside in all kinds of weather hoping for just a glimpse of the boys. A wave, a nod, ANYTHING. There was one moment during a concert at The Cumberland County Civic Center when I swear Joe looked way up in the nosebleeds where I was sitting, saw me jumping up and down acting like a lunatic, laughed at me, and gave me a little wave. That was it though. That was my moment.
Then in the Winter of 2007-2008 I caught wind that they were coming back.
This blog already documents how this new round of madness went down for me. I won't rehash. Please feel free to go and peruse my archives at your leisure (key words Joe McIntyre & NKOTB should get you where you want to go).
Suffice it to say that it has been a truly amazing ride. Seeing my teenage fantasies come to life one right after another...There is just nothing that I could even think to compare it to. The coolest part by far has been connecting with hundreds of other women just like me. Deep friendships have developed...these women have helped me navigate my way through what could easily have been the worst year of my life. I am more grateful than I could ever hope to express.
After I won the UNBELIEVABLE opportunity to appear in Joe's video, I was almost expecting that I would be dealing with lots of jealousy and negativity. It never happened. NOT ONCE! Just the opposite. Every single day I am told how wonderful and deserving I am. These women lift me up when I'm feeling down and give me the energy to keep on going. It is so beautiful to be a part of.
The last few weeks we have all been on the edge of our seats waiting for Joe's "MacPac3000" to go on sale.

Well last night it finally did. It was such an exciting time! Poor Joe had just had a really rough day (His 2 yr old got his first stitches). He made a late night (for half the country at least) announcement on twitter that the MP3K's would be going on sale within the next 48 hrs. Little did he know that the link had already been activated. What happened next was truly amazing to witness. People all over the world were calling each other and texting and tweeting to make sure that their friends got online right away to get theirs. People were buying them for friends who were sleeping...etc. I jumped out of bed and snatched mine up right away. It wasn't long before Joe caught wind of what was going on (may even have been my tweet that alerted him) and joined in the festivities.
So I was sitting in the dark at my computer as my husband and daughter slept soundly a few feet away. I was shaking with excitement over my good fortune...when the unimaginable occurred. My tweetdeck refreshed, and this is what I saw...

There are over 60,000 people following Joe McIntyre. He was following 22...4 of whom were "fans". Ummmm...I guess I have made an impression?
Whatever I did...Thank you Joe. From the bottom of my heart. 21 years of dreams fulfilled with that one simple message. I don't know what to say...but I'm sure I'll think of something. I always do!