I don't think I'm ever going to get my heart back from Joe McIntyre. He just keeps stealing bigger and bigger pieces all the time.
The other day one of my friends approached me asking for help with a project. She wanted to make a special collage for Joe. I suggested that she use picasa, and then I helped her get the word out about what she wanted to do. Her idea was to make a collage using our individual photos with Joe. It took a few days, but eventually she had over 100 pictures, and she was ready to make the collage. She wasn't all that familiar with picasa, so I gave her a few tips and suggestions along the way. She worked REALLY hard actually sizing and placing each picture by hand, and when she was finished she sent me a copy to preview. I loved it! So did the rest of the girls who had taken part, and pretty soon we were all helping to try to make sure that Joe would see it.

A few days later her hard work was rewarded when Joe announced that he loved the collage and was now following her on twitter. I had been in the middle of getting ready for bed when he tweeted, and I actually missed the tweet when it happened. I caught it a few minutes later and got back on to congratulate Lisa, and thank Joe. I was pretty tired, and there was a long pause between tweets while Joe was scoping out backgrounds (I think) and trying to figure out how to change his own background to Lisa's collage. She had named the collage "One Brother and a Million Sisters" after his song, and right as I was saying good night (AGAIN) Joe tweeted about the title and said he was getting all misty. I was so excited for Lisa, but I knew that I really needed to get some sleep and I was in the process of saying so, when my tweetdeck refreshed and I saw a tweet that woke me right up...
Wait! Did he just say "EG"?! OMG he DID! AHHHHHHH!!!! How friggin' cool! You go ahead and brand it baby!
I was typing a tweet telling him that he was probably going to have to explain what the hell he was talking about when another tweet popped up and just about gave me a heart attack...

and then another...

Holy crap! Joe effing McIntyre just put me on blast to the entire twitterverse? (Or at least the nearly 63k people that follow him). SERIOUSLY?!
I mean, I knew that he was flattered and all, but it's been over a month since it happened...and quite honestly when he gave me that fleeting hug at the after party, he really gave no indication that he thought anything of everything that had happened during the show. I kinda figured that he just thought I was a total spaz.
I guess at the very least I can assume that he finds me entertaining.
I have no idea if I'll ever be fortunate enough to speak to him face to face again, but I can promise you if I do he's getting the stuffing squeezed out of him.
EG indeed. xoxoxo