However, this is something that HAS to be shared...because things like this just don't happen.
Well, not to me at least.
Obviously anyone who has read my blog knows that I have a little bit of a crush on Joe McIntyre (Yeah yeah, ok...I'm obsessed. Shush)
I have been following Joe on twitter ever since he decided to hop on the bandwagon. I have been fortunate enough that he actually responded to me on a couple different occasions. The first time it happened I was in total shock. Joe McIntyre "talked" to ME? Weird.
The shock quickly faded and turned into an obsession with making it happen again. I don't know how people kept following my twitter feed...I would have run screaming! lol People did though, in increasing numbers actually. Apparently I'm kinda funny. Who knew?
Anyway- I got my responses from Joe and I was over the moon. Then I went to the Full Service show in June and Joe actually acknowledged me from the stage. WHAT?! He saw my sign, laughed at the joke, and made sure that I knew that he knew who I was (at least on some level).
I think my screams were heard in Zimbabwe.
All of that has been AMAZING. I feel like I'm 15 again. I have made a whole slew of new friends through our mutual love of this man and his friends. My level of self-confidence is the highest it has EVER been in my life. I'm feeling good. This has been a tough year for me and my family personally, but NKOTB and the Blockheads have helped me keep smiling through it all.
On 10/10 I was lucky to be a part of the Rock The Block party in Chicago hosted by The Fat Boys. ( Yes...THE Fat Boys- you know...the rap guys from the 80's? Krush Groove, Disorderlies, Wipe Out, The Twist...? Yeah- them) I got to hang out with all of my new BH friends, meeting many of them for the first time. I was also treated like a princess by the Boys themselves. Uncle Louie greeted me like family, and Prince Markie Dee actually came over and started dancing with me at the bar. These are NOT things that would ever have happened to me in the past. I would have been too shy to talk to people. I certainly would NEVER have actually strapped on a pair of roller skates! Heaven forbid I should fall down in front of people! But I DID put on roller skates (only went around 1 time because I thought I was going to kill myself, but I did it), and the dancing? Oh my gosh! What if I look stupid? But guess what- I said screw it. Who cares? and I boogied down with Prince Markie Dee! I was so proud of myself!
I've been feeling so good about all of these things. Happy and free and loving life. And then on Saturday this happened...(read from the bottom up)

WHAT?! ME? *I* am going to be invited to spend an entire day with Joe McIntyre and actually be IN his new video? I get to hear his new music before anyone else?! NO FRIGGING WAY!
Not that there weren't a few tiny issues with this. I had about 5 minutes to figure out how I was going to get time off work and get my rear end to Burbank, CA by Wednesday. Oh- and I can't give it away yet- but the wardrobe instructions? About as far from my regular wardrobe as it gets.
BUT...I figured it out and I am GOING! That's right people! Tomorrow morning I will be hugging Joe McIntyre...and it won't be a crazy rushed thing where there are hundreds of other people waiting for their turn. Sure- he'll be super busy shooting his video, but we have 12 hours. I'm pretty sure I'll get the opportunity to have a real conversation...instead of spitting out verbal diarrhea like "Thanks for keeping it real Joe" because I only have 20 seconds and I can't think of anything else to say.
I have no idea what wormhole I got sucked through...but I sure hope I don't stumble back into it and get sucked back the other way! This is the best universe EVER!
Stay tuned for all the fun details! I have to go...gotta go catch my plane to C A L I Fornia!
EXTREMELY Psyched for you! This is unbelievable and I think you are the most deserving person for this because of who you are. Love ya! Twugs! and can't wait for the juicy details xoxo (@brainonmusic)
ReplyDeleteI said it once & I'll say it again: I'm still doing the snoopy dance for you! You rock!
ReplyDeleteAnd its likewise here, the guys have definitely helped me get through a rough year!
Have fun!!! 12 hours of Joe!!!
I LOVE the tone of this entry! Your pure joy shines through! I'm so happy for you, Shannon. Out of every Joe Mac fan on this planet, you deserved to go more than anyone else. He is so lucky to have a fan as devoted as you. :)
ReplyDeleteOk, so I had to read this entry first just to get all caught up and prepared to read THE STORY!!! I have chills right now!! Can't believe you got chosen. Ok, off to read to see what happened in CA!!!!
ReplyDeleteI’d love to glimpse that too!